September marks the start of the new school year all over the island. Parents and children alike need to be prepared, both psychologically and physically, to ensure a successful back to school experience.
Even if the Covid-19 epidemic has been brought under control, there’s still reason to remain vigilant to ward off any risk of a fresh outbreak of the disease. This also applies to other infections that can be transmitted between students at school.

In this guide, you’ll find 5 tips for a healthy back-to-school experience
Adopt good hygiene habits
The vacations were a long, relaxing time for everyone. It was also a time of slackening off for many. Now that the children are back at school, it’s time to get back to good health and hygiene habits. To do this, children need to get used to going to bed again, so that they get the 8 hours of sleep they need every day. Some experts even suggest that children under the age of 6 need 12 hours of sleep a day, while those aged 13 and over need 9 hours. It’s only from adolescence onwards that sleep can be increased to 7.30 or 8 hours.
This also applies to mealtimes and screen time. It’s essential that children limit their screen time, whether it’s on TV or on the phone, and eat a hearty meal every day to keep them fit for school.
Hygiene reminders
Since parents are no longer around to monitor children’s cleanliness, a reminder turn out to be necessary. Children should always be advised to wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water before entering the classroom, after recess and especially after playing with classmates. This is also necessary after using the toilet and blowing the nose.
The easiest way is to carry a small bottle of hand sanitizer in the bag, so that students can disinfect their hands quickly and easily if necessary. Remember that Impec’s Hydrogel hydroalcoholic gel fights not only viruses, but also germs and bacteria. ?
They also need to be reminded not to share school supplies such as pencils or pens, to minimize the risk of germ transmission. As masks are still worn in schools, good practice should also be remembered: don’t touch the mask, cover your chin and nose properly, and don’t take it off inside the classroom.
The importance of hydration
In addition to regular hand-washing and healthy eating, hydration is also an essential part of a healthy back-to-school routine. It’s important to ensure that children drink water throughout the day, both in class and at recess. Sugary drinks should be avoided, because while they may taste good, they don’t relieve thirst. It’s better to opt for mineral water or cooled boiled water, which is better for your health.
Check vaccinations
While some schools require toddlers to present a complete vaccination record at the start of the school year, others have yet to adopt this habit. And yet, it’s an effective way of checking that children are protected against the diseases and infections that are usually transmitted between them. For children starting pre-school, it’s a good idea to check that they’re up to date with the various vaccines against whooping cough, polio, chicken pox, etc. If the child has been vaccinated, it’s a good idea to check that he or she is up to date. If the child has been vaccinated against Covid-19, it’s also a good idea to make sure he or she has had a booster dose.
Dental health
Oral hygiene is very important, as dental infections can quickly become a reason for absence when they occur. To avoid intermittent absences due to tooth decay, parents are well advised to schedule a visit to the dentist before the start of each school year.