There are no small savings: household cleaning products may not be a huge expense, but it’s always interesting to know how to use less and still keep your home clean. Here are some tips on how to save money on your household cleaning products.
Tip No. 1: Opt for multi-surface household products!
The easiest way to save money on household cleaning products is to choose a multi-surface product. Instead of buying a special product for each room in the house (kitchen, bathroom, living room…), it’s better to opt for a multi-purpose cleaner that you can use from room to room. A careful reading of the instructions for use of the various cleaning products will show you that their composition varies very little. Instead of changing products for each type of surface, test several types of multi-surface cleaner and choose the most effective.
Another tip is to choose generic household products with multiple uses.
The Impec brand, for example, has a wide range of effective multi-surface household cleaning products for cleaning and disinfecting all types of surface.
Tip no. 2: Use your household products efficiently
If you’re the type of person who spreads a thick layer of scouring paste on your tiles to clean them, or if you don’t skimp on the dishwasher, chances are you’ll have to buy more than the average. To avoid wastage, it’s a good idea to apply the cleaning product to all the surfaces to be washed before scrubbing with a sponge or cloth and letting it sit for a while. This way, the product is more effective and you’ll have less trouble removing stains and dirt. You’ll also be less likely to add product to your cleaning routine, and save a little each time.
Another thing we tend to do when we wash our plates or surfaces is to apply the cleaner to the sponge or cloth, which will absorb a lot of it, causing waste. It’s better to spray the cleaner or gel onto the surface to be cleaned, leave for a few minutes and then scrub. This makes cleaning easier and saves product.
Tip no. 3: Extend the life of your household products
One of grandma’s tricks is to dilute certain household products, such as dishwashing liquid, to save on quantity. To do this, simply dilute half the product with water. The product foams less, but still retains its cleaning power. For those who don’t want to compromise on efficiency, but still want to save money, another trick is to extend the dishwashing liquid with bicarbonate of soda, lemon, vinegar and water. The resulting mixture can be used just like conventional dishwashing liquid.
Tip no. 4: Go easy on the bleach!
Since disinfecting the surfaces we use on a daily basis has become an imperative gesture to prevent the spread of viruses, bleach has become the star of our cupboards. Yet bleach is particularly corrosive, and you need to be very careful when using it. There’s no need to pour gallons and gallons of it down your shower drain or into your kitchen sink to clean them. For it to be effective, simply pour two or three capfuls of bleach into a liter of water and use the resulting mixture. This makes it less corrosive but still effective.
Tip no. 5: Save money on laundry detergent
For your laundry, it’s more economical to wash your clothes a little at a time, as this requires less liquid detergent. In practice, water and the rotation of the machine are enough to remove stains from clothes. To use less detergent, we recommend using a stain remover or scrubbing off the biggest stains before sending the fabrics to the machine. Fabric softener is not mandatory! If your water is too hard, simply throw a few soda crystals in your tubs to solve the problem.