The vacation season is upon us, and with the easing of health restrictions, many of us are thinking of going on vacation. Pre-departure preparations also include cleaning, because there’s nothing more unpleasant than coming home to a dirty house after a few days’ relaxation. What’s more, you don’t need any extra stress at the end of your vacation, especially when it comes to preparing for the start of the new school year.
What do you need to tidy up and clean around the house before leaving on vacation?
Here’s what you need to do for a fresh, clean home after a trip.
Empty and clean the fridge
It’s imperative that you don’t leave any foodstuffs that could goo mouldy or spoil inside the fridge. So, sort and empty the fridge as much as possible. Leave only dry foods or foods that are unlikely to spoil, even if they remain inside the fridge. The best thing to do is to take out these foods and simply place them on the table in a pantry.
Once you’ve emptied the contents of your fridge, clean it with a clean sponge soaked in water and white vinegar, or dishwashing liquid if the interior is particularly dirty. You can find all our tips for cleaning your fridge in this article.
Finally, if there’s no food in the fridge, you can half-open it while you’re away, so that it’s perfectly dry and clean when you arrive. All you have to do is fill it and plug it in afterwards.
L’évier étant toujours très humide, il devient un véritable nid à bactéries s’il n’est pas correctement nettoyé régulièrement. Avant le départ en vacances notamment, il doit être nettoyé en profondeur voire même désinfecté. Pour ce faire, faites couler de l’eau bouillante à l’intérieur de la canalisation pendant au moins 15 secondes, ensuite, versez l’équivalent d’une demi-tasse de bicarbonate de soude ou du vinaigre blanc puis laissez agir pendant quelques minutes.
Terminez le traitement de choc avec la même quantité d’eau chaude, puis séchez avec une éponge sèche et propre. À votre retour, l’évier sera parfaitement propre et prêt à l’emploi.
Disinfect kitchen sinks
Since the sink is always very damp, it becomes a breeding ground for bacteria if it isn’t properly cleaned on a regular basis. Particularly before you leave on vacation, it needs to be thoroughly cleaned and even disinfected. To do this, run boiling water down the drain for at least 15 seconds, then pour in the equivalent of half a cup of baking soda or white vinegar and leave for a few minutes.
Finish the shock treatment with the same amount of hot water, then dry with a clean, dry sponge. When you return, the sink will be perfectly clean and ready for use.
Throw away all waste
Once the house is clean and tidy, it’s time to go on a garbage hunt to avoid unpleasant surprises such as a stench in the bedrooms or a rat infestation. Moreover, full garbage cans can be a source of mould, so make sure they’re emptied before you leave.
Clean and dust the mattress
As the mattress will be unoccupied for some time, this is a good time to clean it and treat it against dust mites. Before you leave, you should dust it outside to remove all accumulated dust and mites, then cover it with a clean, fresh sheet.
For a perfectly healthy mattress on your return, you can also sprinkle baking soda on top. All you have to do on return is dust.