We all dream of having sparkling white teeth. Unfortunately, yellow teeth are the lot of many of us. Worse still, despite good dental hygiene based on brushing 3 times a day and no smoking, teeth can turn yellow as a result of enamel wear.
However, bad-looking teeth aren’t hopeless. There are many ways to whiten teeth, from using natural solutions to the chemical tooth whitening products on the market. Oil pulling”, or simply mouthwash with coconut oil, is also a solution worth considering.
What is oil pulling?
Oil pulling is an Anglicism that literally translates as: “to remove with oil”. It’s an Indian technique involving a mouthwash of coconut oil to remove toxic elements from the mouth. In fact, by moving the oil in the mouth, this practice would displace and remove bacteria and waste present in the mouth.
The mouth and teeth are home to thousands of bacteria that make up the oral microbiota. Not all of these bacteria are harmful to teeth, since they even contribute to dental health.
However, when these bacteria mix with the sugars we consume on a daily basis, they form dental plaque, which is the main cause of cavities, yellowing of the teeth, fragile gums, etc.
Using coconut oil to clean your mouth helps reduce that pesky dental plaque and thus, to a certain extent, fights tooth yellowing.
However, you’ll need to use 100% natural coconut oil, to benefit from all the beneficial components of this vegetable oil.
An Ayurvedic practice
Oil pulling is an Ayurvedic practice that has been used for thousands of years in India. The aim of this protocol is to ensure oral health by preventing cavities, dental bleeding and bad breath.
A study conducted in India among dental students has also shown that oil mouthwash helps control dental plaque levels. This is because coconut oil draws bacteria and toxins out of tissues, while certain fatty acids can alter the bacterial cell wall, killing bacteria.
Specialists in Ayurvedic medicine also associate other benefits with oil pulling: reduction of migraines, mouth infections, fatigue and joint pain. However, as these other effects have not yet been scientifically proven, we should temper our expectations in this area.
How do I apply oil pulling?
The oil-pulling method is easy to implement, requiring only a tablespoon of coconut oil. You can mix it with a few drops of tea tree or lemon essential oil to optimize the treatment’s antibacterial, anti-scale and whitening effects.
We also recommend oil pulling in the morning on an empty stomach, before your other hygiene routines.
Simply take a tablespoon of vegetable oil, then circulate it around the inside of your mouth, taking care to get it between your teeth. The hardest part is rinsing your mouth with the oil for 15 minutes without interruption. However, this is necessary for the mouthwash to be effective. If you don’t mind the sensation, you can even gargle with the oil!
Finally, spit out all the oil. There’s no need to rinse your mouth afterwards.
The practice of oil pulling does not exempt you from following the other rules of dental hygiene: brushing your teeth after every meal and rinsing well with clean water.