Pityriasis versicolor, also known as “Hodipotsy” in Malagasy, is a skin...
Pityriasis versicolor, also known as “Hodipotsy” in Malagasy, is a skin...
Many of us deal with cracked heels issue. Cracks appear when the body’s weight...
Argan oil is a vegetable oil extracted from the fruits of the argan tree, which...
Many of us are concerned about the whiteness of our teeth, as they reflect both good...
For most of us, summer vacations mean lounging, sunbathing and swimming in the...
Perfuming the skin is a beauty ritual that many of us cherish. Indeed, smelling good...
Achieving perfect skin can be a challenging quest, especially as we age. Adolescence...
Hair removal is an act that undoubtedly assaults the skin, whatever the technique...
Cleansing is as much a part of essential hair care as an oil bath or hair mask. It...
Hair loss is a hair problem that many of us experience on a daily or periodic basis....