Pityriasis versicolor, also known as “Hodipotsy” in Malagasy, is a skin condition caused by a microscopic fungus, specifically Malassezia yeast. It manifests itself by the appearance of white, pink or brown patches on the skin.
Pityriasis versicolor is a benign, non-contagious condition, but its appearance on the skin is unsightly and sometimes mistakenly perceived as a lack of hygiene. Fortunately, it can be cured with a course of antifungal medication.
There are even grandmother’s remedies you can use to alleviate the excessive growth of fungus on the skin. Please note, however, that they are not intended to replace medical treatment when necessary.
Seawater is effective against pityriasis versicolor thanks to its antiseptic action. Its composition also has a fungus-fighting effect, making it an effective remedy for stains. If you live in a coastal region or spend your vacations there, take the opportunity to regularly bathe in seawater to get rid of pityriasis versicolor.
If unfortunately there’s no beach nearby, you can add a large handful of coarse salt to your bath water. For optimum effectiveness, it’s best to stay in the bath for 20 minutes and repeat the operation regularly.
Argan oil
While nourishing argan oil is an ideal beauty treatment for hair and skin, it can also be used to treat “hodipotsy”. To do this, simply mix it with a little pure olive oil and a few drops of tea tree essential oil, then apply the mixture to the areas to be treated. These oils all have antifungal properties that act on fungi and neutralize their appearance on the skin.
Leave to stand for at least 30 minutes before rinsing thoroughly with clean water.
Coconut oil
Coconut vegetable oil is also recognized as a powerful natural antifungal agent. It can therefore be used to reduce blemishes caused by the fungus responsible for pityriasis vericolor.
In particular, you can mix it with a few drops of tea tree essential oil to boost its action on spots. We recommend applying this mixture several times a day to make fungus disappear more effectively.
Essential oils
We have already discussed the antifungal action of tea tree essential oil and its effectiveness on fungi. Scientific observation has also shown that thyme and spearmint essential oils act on Malassezia fungi in the same way as imidazoles, the classic antifungal agents.
Therefore, you can use these 2 essential oils in synergy with a little vegetable oil to treat pityriasis naturally.
The same applies to geranium, niaouli and saro essential oils, which are effective in treating superficial skin infections caused by fungal infections.
The “fengalala” plant or mitracarpus scarber
Mitracarpus scaber, or “fengalala” in Malagasy, is a medicinal plant renowned for its numerous health benefits, especially for the skin. Scientific study reveals its effectiveness in preventing recurrence of pityriasis on the skin. Après un traitement médical, vous pouvez donc appliquer de l’huile de mitracarpus scaber sur les zones habituellement affectées pour prévenir l’apparition de nouvelles taches sur la peau.
It is also possible to crush the plant’s leaves and apply them directly to the skin in the form of a poultice.
Apple cider vinegar
Cider vinegar has the particularity of rebalancing the skin’s pH, thanks to its natural antifungal action. It also acts against the proliferation of fungi on the epidermis, in particular those responsible for pityriasis versicolor.
To treat lesions caused by this condition, you can apply cider vinegar directly to the lesions using absorbent cotton or gauze. You can also pour 2 to 3 cups of cider vinegar into your bath rinse.
Grapefruit seed extract
Grapefruit seed extract is a natural product with well-founded antibacterial and antifungal properties. In fact, it is commonly used in the natural treatment of many pathologies, including dermatological ones.
For example, a few drops of grapefruit seed extract for 10 to 20 days can help reduce pityriasis spots.