Les appareils électroménagers nous sont bien utiles au quotidien. Ils nous facilitent la vie et nous font gagner du temps dans nos tâches habituelles comme en cuisine par exemple. Aussi utiles soient-ils, nous oublions parfois de les entretenir conformément aux instructions du fabricant. Pourtant, un mauvais entretien peut nuire à la durée de vie de l’électroménager sur le long terme. S’agissant de la saleté, elle peut être dangereuse pour notre santé si nous la laissons infecter notre électroménager.
Comment s’y prendre alors pour bien nettoyer les appareils électroménagers ?
Voici un guide que vous pouvez suivre :
The oven
Although it may not look like it, the oven is an appliance that easily gets dirty over time. Even if soot marks are not visible, it’s very important to clean your oven regularly to ensure hygienic cooking. This will also prevent the residues that fall to the bottom of the appliance from catching fire and clogging the inside.
To loosen encrusted dirt, simply evaporate a bowl of water with a few drops of lemon for 20 minutes at high temperature. Once the inside of the oven is damp, rub with a sponge and dry.
You can also use a little water and degreasing detergent to clean grease and residues adhering to plates and glass doors. Rinse well with a clean damp sponge, then wipe with a dry soft cloth.
The kettle
The kettle shows signs of wear as soon as it makes too much noise when the water boils. In fact, too much whistling means that the bottom is clogged with fur. So it’s time to clean it thoroughly, by boiling equal amounts of water and white vinegar for a few minutes. Empty the appliance, then scrub with a sponge or plastic brush, paying particular attention to the walls. Also clean the filter at the spout.
Finally, rinse with clean water and dry with a soft cloth to avoid leaving stagnant water in the bottom of the kettle.
Cooktops are a kitchen element that requires regular cleaning to avoid breakdowns and premature wear. Fortunately, wiping with a sponge dampened with water is all that’s needed to remove dirt from the surface. Specialists recommend the use of a cleaning product only when the plates are heavily soiled. In this case, it is essential to opt for a product specially designed for this purpose.
The hood
The hood is used to extract steam from pots and pans during cooking. Over time, it will tend to become clogged and less efficient if not cleaned regularly. To clean your kitchen hood, remove the charcoal filter from the unit, then wash it with soapy water and rinse.
If the filter is very dirty, it may be necessary to soak it in hot soapy water inside the sink or bathtub. You can even add baking soda and gently scrub the unit with a soft brush to remove any encrusted dirt.
The washing machine
The washing machine can also become clogged with residues from dirty laundry, not to mention dust and hair, which clog the filter. Over time, this can lead to malfunctioning. To avoid this inconvenience, you should therefore consider running the machine’s drum at 90°C vacuum and soda crystals at least once a month. This prevents residue build-up.
You should also clean the pump filter and the lye container.
The fridge
It’s very important to clean the fridge regularly, because it’s where food is stored. Some bacteria can develop from food residues and contaminate others if they are not eliminated in time.
That’s why you need to clean the fridge shelves and compartments at least once a month, with water and dishwashing liquid. You should also clean the door seals, as dampness can lead to mould growth.