Cats and dogs are pets found in many households. It’s not uncommon for them to be considered full-fledged members of the family, and they’re happy to oblige! In fact, when a pet is truly at ease in the home, it doesn’t hesitate to invade our living space, which is why we need to get them used to having limits.
No sleeping with pets, reserving food bowls for them, treating their fleas, etc. are practices that guarantee not only their hygiene, but ours too. They prevent the spread of pathogenic and/or allergenic germs that pets can carry.

This also means regularly disinfecting the inside of the house.
Mark off areas accessible to the animal
The best way to prevent your dog or cat from soiling the whole house is to set limits. You should, for example, ban them from sofas and especially beds, in the case of large dogs.
To do this, give them baskets with blankets in which they can lie down or play. Wicker baskets with liners are best, as they are more effective at limiting unpleasant smells. You’ll also find removable baskets on the market, which are more practical because they’re comfortable and easy to clean.
Be sure to wash the covers regularly to prevent them from accumulating hair and parasites, as well as bad smell.
Machine or hand washing with a softening liquid detergent is ideal for effectively removing bad smells and sanitizing your pets’ blankets and covers. The same goes for your household linen, which should be regularly cleaned to eliminate fleas and parasites.
Clean floors regularly
Floors are an area you need to clean regularly when you have pets. They carry a lot of dirt and even bacteria with their paws. It’s therefore highly recommended to use a disinfectant cleaner that cleans and eliminates bacteria in a single action.
Caution: it’s better to opt for a bleach-free cleaner, as it’s healthier for animals. The smell of bleach attracts cats in particular, yet they can be poisoned by this product if they lick it, even when it’s diluted.
On the other hand, you may be tempted to place lots of carpets around the house to protect the floor, but this is a bad idea. Carpets quickly become breeding grounds for bacteria, as animals love to play and sleep on them. To save yourself the hassle of washing them too often, it’s best to remove them from areas where your pets usually play.
Place placemats under the bowls
Our dear furry friends often have trouble eating properly, so much that we need to clean up after their meal. The best way to make the task easier is to place a mat under their bowls. A plastic trivet or simple newspaper can do the trick.
Make sure you place the bowls in a corner, away from high-traffic areas such as corridors, to keep the inside of the house clean.
Finally, remember to clean the bowls thoroughly with diswashing liquid after each meal, as they are also infested with bacteria due to their location and use.
Cleaning your cat’s litter box properly
Cats tend to relieve themselves outside when their litter box is dirty. This is why you need to pay particular attention to cleaning the litter tray and the grains. As soon as the litter starts to smell, wash the tray with plenty of water and a multi-purpose disinfectant cleaner, then replace the grains.
Litter should be cleaned and disinfected at least once a month to keep it hygienic.
Remove smells
Some animals, like dogs, often leave bad smells in their wake. In fact, these smells are caused by microbes deposited by the animals in their wake. That’s why we strongly recommend frequent disinfection of surfaces in contact with animals.
To purify and refresh the air, you can also spray air purifier with essential oils inside your home.
Keep your pet clean
A pet that is regularly bathed, brushed and treated for parasites is less likely to soil the inside of the house with dirt and bacteria.
To keep your home clean when you have pets, it’s imperative to take care of their hygiene and cleanliness.